Why bars?

>Girl’s gotta have a hobby<

OK I do have hobbies… they just come in the form of challenges. One year I challenged myself to “see as many movies as you can” I saw 60 movies that year. The year after that I did “things that aren’t movies” and went travelling overseas.

Sooo I blame The Bent Elbow. A bar in Stones Corner, Brisbane – next to where I used to work.. Most days when the clock struck 4 (yep) it was ‘computers off – go to the bar’ vibe. It was GREAT.

We’d go downstairs, sit at the bar, try different beers and chat to the locals. We got to know the owners, the bartenders, the chef! Everyone became BAR friends.

Blissfully hanging at the Elbow.

Mid-2019 I decided to see the world! and endeavored to drink a beer in every European country I visited (eight).

A few Peroni Rossa’s in Italy. Countless pints (and HALF pints) in London pubs. I didn’t spend much time in France, the only things I bought there were socks and andalouse sauce (sooo yum, you should try it).

Antwerp had it’s own city brewery, so I had one of their locally brewed pale ales while playing video games at Outpost Gamecenters.

De Koninck, delicious!

A lager with lunch, this Swinckels in Amsterdam >

Don’t mind if I do

A cold schooie of Füchschen when I landed in Dusseldorf.


With matching Füchschen coaster

Nothing beats this Carlsberg in Switzerland at the Giger Bar


SADLY THO, when I returned home to Brisbane, The Bent Elbow had closed and the locals had dispersed 🙁

A few months later, covid HIT. Everything shut up shop and there was NO going out for anyone.

So I decided: when bars start opening up – I should go out adventuring! To see all the bars I’d been meaning to visit.

First beer at Blute’s bar, before I made my first LIST


My first LIST was born: Brisbane bars from A to Z

And I’ve been bar hopping ever since.

2022 I made my second list – Brisbane bars from Z to A

then Chick Walks Into A Bar became a Facebook THING.

Now I blog bars and booze for funsies. It’s pretty darn FUN.

If you enjoy my articles you can help support the blog by buying me a beer. Every beer is much appreciated, Cheers!
