The Brew Baron Beer Co.

BRIGHT and BLUE and a BARON and BREWS! At The Brew Baron brewery in West End.

Last time I was here it was Parched bar, so I went to see how the new owners were re-branding the venue. I just happened to walk up the stairs, the DAY electricians were installing NEW signage.

it was a ridiculously bright Brisbane day

and INSIDE: the place looks great! All barrels and wooden tables..

I spied newly branded t-shirts behind the bar.

The MENU is all digital screens.. So if your eyesight is like mine, there may be some squinting involved.

I scanned and scanned, the bartender asked if I need more time to decide – no! just better eyes…

Ooh the Milkshake IPA: a schooie of that please! Super tasty and delicious. Still the Parched recipe, just rebranded. Yum.

Annnddd a SUPREME pizza please, for the FOOD part of lunch.

Chilled out, watched some SPORT on a large TV and enjoyed the music.

Then I went upstairs to explore: the pool table, more sports TVs and…

THIS awesome view of the giant beer vats!

I grabbed a 4pk of the Hazy IPA as I left, given to me in a little bag like I’d been shopping all day. I liked this. Cool venue!

>OK I don’t think I saw an ACTUAL Baron – at least I don’t think I did..

5 out of 5 FUN chicks

Rating: 5/5
