Dikstein’s Corner Bar

Dikstein’s by day and Dikstein’s by night! I’ve visited dis wine bar several times (and always for the pizza!)

From the outside Dikstein’s Corner Bar resembles a European café, situated right in the heart of Melbourne.

Love this signage:

There are TWO entrances to the CORNER bar: from Little Collins Street & Bank Place – BOTH will lead you straight to the BAR (my favourite!)

I like to sit at the bar because it offers a good vantage point. It’s also perfect for single people like me who don’t want to stare at a wall.

On my first visit, I was most definitely interrupting the servers by ordering food and beers. (I can always tell when I’m getting in the way of a ‘work chinwag’)

But it gave me time to get photos of the beer taps and menu –

One beer was their own Dikstein’s Draught! Which I thought was cute, so grabbed a PINT of that, and ordered an Italian sausage pizza (plz and thx!)

Then another beer when the pizza came out, the dude who delivered it said: ‘You’re gonna like that,’ and OMG, he was right! Such a delicious sausage pizza!

I had to come back another time for a wine..

On my second visit, I spied Chianti on the menu and knew YES – love this red wine, one please, and let’s try the mushroom pizza!

BOTH were delicious, and YES that is a mushroom pizza under the ROCKET.

Third visit – I knew the exact combo I wanted – the Chianti with a sausage pizza!

I also explored upstairs for a bit, which is where I found the amenities, a giant dining room and board games in the corner.

I hung out there for a bit to take photos, then returned downstairs for the Italian sausage pizza at the bar with my red wine. Yum!

Then, most recently I went back to get photos of the UPSTAIRS art & games..

The centrepiece is a LOT of wine bottles, cleverly hung from the roof. It looks very impressive from this far away, but up close is a little dusty..!

I LOVE the European vibes here (makes me feel like I’m back in Italy), the eclectic music, the piano in the corner of the room!

There are still more pizza & wine combos I want to try, and I do love popping in to Dikstein’s.

Just the service tends to be hit & miss.. and you must PLAN your visit here during the week, as they are only open on WEEKDAYS.

3.5 out of 5 chicks

Rating: 3.5/5
