The Triffid

This was how Tiff and I became friends, thanks to Janet, and our trying of new bars. The Triffid had just started doing acoustic music sessions in the beer garden, so we all popped in one hot afternoon.

OK the ladies popped in, I was out front of the music hall trying to find them, looking for a sign that says BEER GARDEN. I refuse to use consult Google Maps, so rang Janet:

Is this the right bar? I see a sign that says Stone & Wood..

“Yesss” She ran out front to fetch me (thanks lady!) We all need a friend like Janet.

Tiffany, Janet & I

First to the bar, there’s a good selection of beers on tap, and a wine list I did not recognise – Ask bartender: Do you have a sav blanc? “Yes!” Great! That please.

We snacked on sweet potato fries which from my notes wrote: “Fricken YUM” Cauliflower bites were good but BIG chunks, we could only find wooden forks for cutlery so made eating a bit of a challenge. Chicken karaage, same deal, YUM, giant strips, needed a knife to carve them up.. plenty of napkins though!

Wish I had taken more photos of the food, just too busy chatting and enjoying the music. Saw people lining up for a show next door (jealous)

Ladies toilets: nice and modern, but a bit OPEN to people walking past. What they lack in privacy made up for in “stuff to read on the walls” I like seeing all the upcoming gigs, and who is coming to Brisbane. Makes a nice change from the incontinence products usually marketed to women on the back of toilet doors.

GIGS! *Poster from February 2022

Would love to go back and see a show in the main hall.

4 chicks out of 5

Rating: 4/5
