After 26 bars, in mostly alphabetical order – I learnt some stuff, suffered bar fatigue and annoyed mates with: “What are you doing this Thursday/Friday/Saturday – wanna go to ANOTHER new bar?”
It was fun YEA, but I’m still going to rant and wrap the A to Z challenge that was.
First up – I didn’t drink alcohol at all the bars. SHOCK. I just got a kick out of the adventure and the alphabetical Facebook check-ins.
Second – I didn’t wait for my mates to come out. They did if they were available – if not, I went by myself. I did 15 bars with friends, 11 bars no friends – Just me, walking in, finding a pew and seeing what’s what. Nobody asked why I was out, I think it was assumed I was waiting for someone, sometimes I was. But I didn’t worry about looking like a nigel no-friends at a bar.
Secret door bars are actually not fun. A hidden bar YES fun, but once I get there I need a hint please: a colourful door, a staircase, a security guard – all acceptable. There’s only so much staring at buildings and scrolling Google Maps a girl can do. I now interpret Secret Door as ‘invisible door’, and much frustration. Yeah, na. Nobody says “go to such-and-such bar it’s really hard to find the door”.
Art in bars – big YES. Please more cool art on the walls – I want to look at it. Maybe buy it. I’m all for supporting local artists and it would be great to see more Brissy art on display. Bars that do it well are Scratch Bar and Netherworld.
Bar Staff – you’re doing great job, but pretty please don’t:
- Call me darl, or love
- Rush me – anywhere – to the table/to order
- Try to sell me on fruit beers (ain’t gonna happen)
Sooo after months of bars, I was ready for a break. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it certainly was an adventure.
I went from barfly rookie to barfly knower of stuffs. Want to skip all the hoop-jumping to get into Next Episode? Just ask me!
When I finished the A to Z challenge I had a book full of bar notes and a stack of back-up bars in case my favourites fell through – like Zero Fox, peeved I missed out on Christmas beers there.
When 2022 rolled around I knew there was only one thing I could do: get to all the bars I missed out on, this time from Z to A starting with Zero Fox! Where else..
I never thought I’d write my barfly adventures, but getting here has been a journey too. I have much more to write, more boozy photos to blog and I’m sure Hellbound are keen to learn how their bar became my cover photo on Facebook.
It’s not too late to follow along, hit the LIKE button at Chick Walks Into A Bar