Bar Hopping: Step by Step

-What I DO when I do what I do-

I’ve been asked HOW I go out bar hopping. Just visiting new places and sometimes by myself. I get this can be nerve-wracking, especially for the first time.

>Spoiler alert: I still get nervous<

Generally people ask: How do I find the time? When do I schedule that in? or HOW do I get brave enough to go to a place by myself?

So here’s the things I think when I’m doing the things, STEP BY STEP:

Step 1

Pick a bar. The one I can’t stop thinking about. The one I want to visit because it’s on my list or I’ll be annoyed at myself if I don’t go. That’s the one.

Step 2

Research it. When is it open? When can i fit that into my schedule.

(Hot tip: there is NO magic perfect time. just FIND. the. time.)

Step 3

Book it in (mentally with myself) or make an actual booking. Either way – make plans. Make it a priority that > I will do that thing. I will go to that place.

Step 4

Experience some form of mild anxiety – right before walking into a place. Question life choices, why this is my hobby?

Step 5

Forget all that and find a seat at the bar – if none: ask staff for a ‘spot just for me’ please and thank you.

Step 6

After first sip of drink – mild anxiety disappears, replaced by self-assurance and slight adrenaline rush that I’m ACTUALLY here, I REALLY did it.

*Remember to take notes. Photographic evidence is always a winner.

ENJOY the drink.

Bask in the ME time.

Stay as long as I like.

Sometimes a bar adventure is only 1 drink, but the woohoo I get from ticking it off the list is priceless.

>Leave the bar but post on Facebook I’m at the bar<

Get home and find 10 better photos I could’ve used but my phone screen is blurry and I feel like a snack.

Make snack. Eat snack. Prepare for the next bar.

Then you can make a game of it, see how many bars you can go to, and then try to break that record

It does get easier with more adventures. Just give it a go.

^A.I. art made at Nightcafé
