The Catalyst for my epic pub crawl, I was continuously hearing how great this place was and told myself “I’ll get there one day”.. Just need an excuse.
Another whiskey bar I was keen on was Death and Taxes. So I thought maybe I could do an ABCs of bars.. Hell, why not do the whole alphabet? Boom.
My A to Z of Brisbane bars was born. I whipped up a list and a calendar, then gave myself a deadline: til the end of 2021 to visit 26 new places. In 22 weeks. Roughly one bar a week, maybe a sneaky weeknight pop-in. Seemed reasonable.
With A and B bars done, it was time to find Cobbler. Cuz I walked past the door twice just looking for it. Seriously, secret doors are stupid. They’re only clever when you find them, and until then it’s frustrating as fk. I followed some lady who looked like she knew where she was going and zipped through the door..
Welcome to Cobbler! Where there’s no cobblers. The shoe kind or the pie kind. Just whiskeys and candlesticks. Soo many candlesticks. I had a classic whiskey sour (pictured below) and sat up at a very nice bar on a very nice leather barstool, and avoided young professionals yarping in the corner. There was other assorted nice couches and chairs, but I was busy admiring the pretty whiskey library backdrop and wondering if those candles were melted to the walls.
What I liked: the drinking the whisky part, and finally being able to say I’ve been there.
Things I didn’t like: Distracting melty candle wax (know when to stop ‘decorating’)
Overall: VERY nice, take someone you want to impress when you know where the door is.
3 and a HALF chicks