The GREAT AUSTRALASIAN BEER SPEC-TAP-ULAR (GABS): they say it’s LIKE Disneyland for BEER lovers.. but I reckon it’s more like BEER CHRISTMAS.
>it comes once a YEAR,
>the build-up is BIG!
>and BEER elves work all year-round to make it known: Beer Christmas is coming.
WELCOME to GABS 2024: BEER FESTIVAL at the Melbourne Showgrounds.
It was a bright Saturday morning in June, music was PUMPING, and people were POURING IN (yea) for a spot of day drinking.
Now that Matt and I have moved to Melbourne, we were KEEN to see how it compared to our first GABS – last year in Brisbane (read here!)
Upon arrival: everyone received an OFFICIAL GABS CUP and a booklet of beer vouchers (to be used at breweries post-GABS).
First stop: the Festival Beer Taps! 120 BEERS brewed ESPECIALLY for the event.
this calls for PADDLES>
We felt pretty GABS-Savvy. We KNOW how to build a paddle – but not how to stop people bumping the table.. (tips, anyone?)
Also YES: I had a printed out beer list and pens, to take notes as we went..
1st PADDLE! My favourites were:
#31 by 7th Day Brewery “Guava Lava” 8.6% which my notes described as “Yummy Yummy”.
and #32 Ocean Reach Brewing‘s “Pig Pickin’ Cake” 6%, a JUICY Milkshake IPA (which promised licking the glass clean. and they were RIGHT, super good!)
2nd paddle: Matt got the GREEN beer by Rocks Brewing Co. #49 and despite the colour tasted like chocolate stout – very drinkable!
My favourites were:
#41 Shelter Brewing Co. “Hazy Train” (I put a BIG CIRCLE round that beer – YUM)
and #42 Aether Brewing and their “Creature of the Deep” Oatmeal Stout 8%, tasted like CHOCOLATE IN A CUP. Omg Yum. I love stouts and this was TAS-TY.
AND this is where GABS gets FUN – the experimental beers. IF they mention a FLAVOUR in their beers – you BETCHA it’s gonna taste like THAT.
#56 Soapbox Beer “The Sanga” promised PB&J flavours, and YESSS it tasted like JAM!
#57 Ramblers Ale Works had “Honey Honey, Joy Joy” that SMASHED that honey flavour. It was almost a sour..
We were TWO paddles in = time for FOOD.
We found a hot dog place for lunch, “Bilbo Snaggin’s“!
YUMMY gourmet hot dogs that appeared MOMENTS after ordering – I LOVE that there was no waiting. Wish I’d gotten a photo of lunch but it was eaten pretty fast tbh.
NEXT: we wandered the BEER STALLS.
First to Behemoth Brewing Company for some freshly poured NZ beers, and a chat with the brewer about the HOPS in the beers.
Next was FOX FRIDAY and some artistic photos from me of the beer menu and GABS cups getting good use.
SEEKER Brewing had a COOL basketball theme, and some mates from Brisbane – Ben and Jeff pouring the Mystic NEIPAs. Yummm. Cheers!
Hawkers Beer had HOT PINK SKELETONS and LIGHTNING> and I just can’t say no to THAT. One “Blue Ring” Double IPA 8% please and thanks.
A lovely “Day For It” wandering the festival, with LIVE music in the background.
Next: READY for some more PADDLES and the rest of the Festival Beers –
and to find a seat at the wobbly tables!
3rd PADDLE of the day, NOTES:
#65 Shout Brewing Co. “Southern Crossed Lovers” and their Hazy IPA 7.4% was my “oh I LIKE it!” favourite.
#68 Green Beacon‘s “Unicorn Frappe” was a “Buzzy” NEIPA 8%
#74 The Coastal Brewing Company “Double Booti Kneipa” was JUICY and a little tangy. but Yummy to me! A Double IPA 8%
#80 Earth Beer Company had an experimental sweet potato copper ale, which smelled like cloves. Yeah, nah
Time for a FINAL paddle and to watch the resident CUP STACKER make his masterpiece from the GABS tasting cups.
4th or 5th paddle? I lost count.. let’s just call it the final paddle.
The FINAL paddle was a MEDLEY of cider, beer and a pina colada cocktail (#117)
#104 Modus “Cereal for Dinner” was a WINNER for me. A New England IPA 6.5%
#107 Garage Project “Big Feelings” was a TANGY Hazy IPA 6.5%
and lastly #108 Moffat Beach Brewing Co. had a caramelised FIG Brown Ale 5%
This was about all the paddles we could do for the day.
MY mate Kat was working her magic behind the taps at Kaiju! Beer (ALSO my personal favourite set-up cuz of all the PINK) so we went to say HI! and get some pics:
Sooo pretty PINK! ALL themed the colours of the Kaiju Pleazure Kruze Hazy Pale – orange tentacles and yellow highlights. Loved it!
Kat serving up delicious Krush! Pale ales, Cerveza, West Coasts and Double IPAs! It was BUSY. Great to catch up and a lovely end to the day.
YES, GABS beer festival is ALWAYS much fun. I don’t think it matters what state you’re in: NSW, QLD or VICTORIA, it’s always a great day out: LOTS to see and do.
Go at your own pace. Meet the brewers or just chill at the tables and watch CUP STACKING.
I couldn’t fit in all 120 beers but there’s always next year! Lol
>ALL views, opinions and photographs are my OWN. GABS did not pay me for this, I just like to BLOG beery and bar adventures.
If you want to get in contact, email me: