Just a quick pop-ina colada at Jungle, West End.
My friend’s band The Filthy Animals were playing their debut show that night and it worked out perfect that Jungle bar was round the corner. Bar #10.
I bussed it in, who knows where parking is in West End, and found the Jungle, loud and hectic busy (no ‘party animals’ references, I swear) Everyone was there on a pub crawl, so I sat outside until they moved on, reading witty rum banter and people watching.

Then a seat opened up at the bar (!) so I took my fruity mai tai inside and to get a better photo in the light, and explain to the bartenders why i’m taking photos.. I’m not a spy! I just have weird hobbies.

First time I’d told a bar about the challenge. They were glad to be my J bar, and poured me a shot. Why thank you Jungle bar.
Cheers: this bar, if you like rum, rum puns and a drinks menu with pictures
Jeers: saying you’re on a bar challenge to get free shots, that’s so last year
4 rummy chicks