One Fish Two Fish

OK just checking: Anyone else had to write an article on fish that wasn’t FISH? Just me? OK, here goes.. One day, I wanted to see inside One Fish Two Fish so I made that ONE day, THIS day.

Mum was also keen for a catch up, so we made it a lunch thing. Parking was limited to a few spots on-site (which I missed out on) so parked down the road a bit. no biggie.

It wasn’t too busy, so we chose a table with some space around it. There’s cool nautical art all over the walls – and fans with FINS (on the ceiling) Super cute.

Mum had a gin & tonic, while I went to the bar (to get a photo) and order a Midori with pineapple juice – seemed like a refreshing LUNCHY drink beverage.

The bar was big and pretty and I noted Balter beers on tap (winning). The staff were lovely and helpful and served my drink in a short glass. Cute.

Menu & midori

Browsed the menu and HEY: can’t ever recall seeing “Vegan fish & chips” on a menu AND if I had – probably just skipped right over it. but now> I’m on this QUEST to try new bars/dishes/drinks – and I simply cannot leave this restaurant without knowing what a VEGAN FISH tastes like.

That’s mum’s whiting in the background, and this is what vegan fish looks like >


I chopped right in – just to see what’s in there and WOW – it LOOKED just like fish. After a mouthful: TASTED just like fish! How did they do that?

The staff were going around offering fresh tartare sauce (hell yea) “It’s not vegan” That’s ok, neither am I.

I dunked it in the tartare, along with my salad and chips and if you hadn’t told me that it used to be part of a TREE I would’ve been none the wiser.

We were offered more drinks, and dessert as the lunch progressed – but honestly we were full and just happy chatting along. Mum loved her fish dish and mine was delish.

Little ladies lunch day

The bill was promptly delivered to our table, along with multiple top-ups of water.

Oh and the place was filling up with hungry peeps, so I see now why there was so many tables. Practically all full by the time we left.

The staff were super attentive, and I think we would’ve stayed longer if we were hungrier. Mum & I split the bill and thanked everyone for a lovely lunch.

Overall, it was great. Recommend the banana blossom!

Rating: 4/5
