Rum gingerbread cake
Nobody: Me: Here’s a rum gingerbread cake I made for football finals! >it’s boozy >it tastes delicious – basically cuz it’s three kinds of sugar with a bit of flour an eggs >it will make your house smell like Christmas – and that’s what football finals are: FOOTBALL CHRISTMAS (*this recipe uses Australian standard metric…
Amazing Mai Tai’s
for Mondays (or any special occasion), this is my favourite recipe – adapted to use Australian metric cups and measurements: INGREDIENTS (Makes 2 x hurricane size glasses) 5 ice cubes 120ml Malibu 120ml dark rum 60ml sugar syrup 220ml orange juice 220ml pineapple juice METHOD Shake all ingredients together in a big cocktail shaker (or…
TOP 10 bar names for Chick Walks Into A Bar
-if I had one- Hypothetically, IF Chick Walks Into A Bar had a bar – what would it be called? I asked Chat GPT for some suggestions, and here’s my TOP 10 favourites: and to go with the A.I. words, I made some A.I. ART using Nightcafé Studio: my Nightcafé profile: https://creator.nightcafe.studio/u/Nikxkah
Z to A bars challenge: complete!
And that was it. another 26 bars, this time in reverse alphabetical order: Z to A. It took 22 weeks to sensibly visit, whenever my schedule and pocket money allowed. After the A to Z list, and considering whether BAR HOPPING was a reasonable hobby for a lady, I decided to forget all that junk…